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Oliver Sellnick
Director of the Railway Undertakings DepartmentUIC, Paris, France
Since 2005 – Director of Railway Undertakings Department, UIC
Between 2002 and 2005, Oliver Sellnick was Vice-President of International Activities and Alliances for Deutsche Bahn's mainline passenger business in Frankfurt. Among his most important projects were the preparation of a high-speed cooperation project with SNCF for operating Paris-Frankfurt / Stuttgart starting in 2007, the increase on the ICE line to Switzerland via Basel to an hourly service in 2006, the founding of Rheinalp, a marketing joint venture with SBB as well as the introduction of the ICE line to Brussels in 2003.
From 2000 to 2002, he was responsible for all E-Business / E-Commerce activities at Lufthansa Cargo. As Director of Key Account Management he created the Lufthansa Cargo Global Partnership Program between 1997 and 2000. Before, he was named Marketing Manager for Lufthansa Passenger Airlines in New York with responsibility for the USA from 1995 to 1997. After having joined Lufthansa German Airlines in 1991, he was Project Leader for Corporate Strategy with a focus on airline alliances and low cost no-frills airline concepts until 1995.
Oliver Sellnick studied Business Administration and International Management at the European Business School near Frankfurt, at INSEAD in Fontainebleau and at McGill University in Montreal.

Lajos Simon
Secretary of the Committee OSJDOrganization for Cooperation of Railways (OSJD), Poland
Secretary of the Committee OSJD, representative of Hungary in OSJD. He graduated from
Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, specialization "Railways‘ operation". He has been working in the sphere of railway transport since 1973. He was working as the Engineer on a large marshalling yard, as a specialist in the area of planning and international cooperation in General Directory of Hungarian Railways and in the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Hungary.
During five years he represented Hungarian Government Railways in Soviet Union and during 8 years in Russian Federation.
Since 2000 he was responsible for conditions and capacity of railway cargo transport among Hungary and CIS countries including the transportation according to the SMGS law (MAV, since 2006 MAV Cargo).
He has been at the position of Secretary of the Committee OSJD since 1st September 2008.

Kefang Cai
Senior AdvisorMinistry of Railways China, China
December, 1969: China railway construction company / Official
July, 1984: Engineering management center of MOR / Deputy Division Chief
August, 1989: General Affairs Office of MOR / Division Chief
December, 1995: General Affairs Office of MOR / Deputy Director General
July, 2002: Ministry of Railway (MOR) / Senior Advisor

Timur Zhunussov
Head of OSJD Committee of Cargo TransportationOrganization for Cooperation of Railways (OSJD), Poland
Representative of Ministry of Transport and Communications of Kazakhstan and Kazakhstan Railways – the organization "National enterprise Kazakhstan Temir Žoly" in the board Organization for Cooperation of Railways, OSJD (Warsaw, Poland).
He has been working in the railway transport sphere since 1998. Till 2007 he worked in the administration of Kazakhstan Railways. He was responsible for the area of common tariff policy, marketing of cargo transportation, the questions of the enterprise’s development and restructuring of Kazakhstan Railways. During his work as a representative of Ministry of Transport and Communications and Kazakhstan Railways he was engaged in the international activities regarding the development of railway transport in many international organisations like Council of CIS, The Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), Organization for Cooperation of Railways (OSJD) and Council for Rail Transport of CIS and Baltic States (CRT CIS).

Zdenek Zak
Deputy MinisterCzech Ministry of Transport, Czech Republic
Mr. Zdeněk Žák was appointed to the position of the Deputy minister of Transport in 2009. He is responsible for railway and combined transport, public transport, road transport and transport policy.
He started his career in rail industry as an advisor to Director General of the Czech Railways Company and worked also as an advisor to the Czech Transport Ministry. In 2001 he was a member of the team of consultants to the Czech Government and then consultant to the Czech Prime Minister. Between 2001 – 2006 he was the Inspector General of the Czech Railways Company. In 2007 he became an assignee in Brussels for preparations of the CZPRES in transport.
He is married and has two children.

Olaf Krüger
Director Management Europaean Rail Traffic and Chairman of the Executive Board of the IBSCommunity of European Rail Forwarders (IBS) / Kühne + Nagel (AG & Co.) KG, Germany
Mr. Krüger is since 1992 in charge of the development of Rail activities within the Kühne + Nagel group. Prior to Kühne + Nagel, he was responsible for the Cargo Division of Deutsche Reichsbahn (East German Railway).
Olaf Krüger is co-founder of the Europäischen Interessengemeinschaft der Bahnspediteure (Community of European Rail Forwarders) founded in 1996, since when he was kept reelected as its Chairman. Main objective of IBS is to coordinate business environment and frame regulation in further development of Railfreight transport services.

Stig Nerdal
Advisor of UIC Deputy CEO for Europe-Asia RelationsUIC, Paris, France
Education: Master of Science and Business (M.Sc,) and supplementary education within political science.
Work experience: Financial consultant Department of Transport Nordland County, manager/consultant Bedriftskompetanse AS (consultancy firm), financial, financial director OVDS ASA and deputy C.E.O. OVDS ASA (shipping Line).
At present: senior adviser in Transportutvikling AS (transport consultancy firm) and acting as project manager for UIC’s international corridor projects.
He has also been responsible for a broad range of national and global transport projects and has experience as board member/chairman in several national/international companies/organisations.

Gennady Bessonov
Secretary GeneralCoordinating Council on Transsiberian Transportation (CCTT), Russia
Gennady Bessonov was born in 1950. He graduated from the Fergana Polytechnic Institute in 1973, the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in 1992, and the Higher Diplomatic courses of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2001.
He had worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1987 to 2005 and held various diplomatic posts in the Central office of the Ministry and abroad. From 2001 to October 2005 Mr. Bessonov had been the Consul General of the Russian Federation in Gothenburg (Sweden). Starting December 2005, Gennady Bessonov is the Secretary General of the CCTT.

Batkhuyag Purev
Managing DirectorInternational Freight Forwarding Center of Mongolian Railways (IFFC), Mongolia
1987-1991 Technical school of Ulaanbaatar Railways, specialization: engineering and engine mechanic
1991-1993 Mechanic of engines‘ wheel set, engine house of Ulaanbaatar railways
1993-1998 University of Irkutsk, engineering in railway transport, master degree
1998-2001 Mongolian-Chinese border railway station Dzamyn-Ude, rail-shifter, shunter, station dispatcher, vice master for cargo transport and operation
2001-2006 Master of Mongolian-Russian Brother railway station Sukhbaatar
02-03/2005 Senior railway courses organized by Foundation of eastern Japan railway‘s culture
2006 - till now Head of International Dispatch Centre of Ulaanbaatar railway

Heiner Rogge
Chairman FIATA working group railFIATA - International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations, Switzerland
Certified political economist
1974-1991: consultant, traffic-departement, Association of German Chambers of commerce and industry
1991-1995: managing director, Chamber of Commerce of
Munic and Upper Bavaria
1993-1998: managing director of a private railway company
01.05.1998-31.01.2000: managing director, Chamber of Commerce, Duisburg
01.02.2000: managing director of the german association of freight forwarding and logistics
01.12.2007: secretary general of the european association for
forwarding, transport, logistics and customs services CLECAT

Gustav Kafka
Deputy to the Secretary GeneralIntergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF), Switzerland
1970–1972 - University, Graz: Institute for the Organisation of Public Administration and for Comparative Public Law
1972–1976 - Unilever Austria, Vienna: Department for Organisation
1976–1986 - Ministry of Transport, Vienna: Sub-Unit for International Railway Transport
1986–1988 - Ministry for Public Economy and Transport, Vienna: Head of Sub-Unit for Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail
1988-2007 - Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Vienna: Head of Unit for Transport of Dangerous Goods by all Modes of Transport
2007- Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF): Deputy to the Secretary General

Erik Evtimov
Legal Issues Freight and Passenger Traffic - Harmonisation East-West transport law - Wagon lawInternational Rail Transport Committee (CIT), Switzerland
Dr Evtimov studied law at the University of Sofia from 1987 to 1991; this was followed by a post graduate diploma in European Integration at the Europa-Institut in the University of Saarbrücken between 1993 and 1995 and further legal studies at the University of Bern from 1995 to 1997 where he qualified as a Master of European Law in 1998. In 1998 he was a staff member in the Caritas (Switzerland) legal service. He qualified as a Bulgarian lawyer in 1999. From 1999 to 2004 he was an assistant at the Institute for European and Economic Treaty Law at the University of Bern where he earned his doctorate (Dr jur.) in 2003. In 2004 he led projects and undertook research at the World Trade Institute in Bern. He has been a legal adviser within the CIT since 2004.

Arman Sultanov
Director of Transport Marketing Department of Kazakhstan RailwayKazakhstan Railways, Kazakhstan

Rodan Senekl
Commercial Director, Member of the Board of DirectorsCD Cargo, Czech Republic
1977 – 1982 Transport University in Zilina, educated from Operation and Economics of Railway Transport
1983 – 1992 Czechoslovak State Railways (ČSD) in various operations and middle management positions, IT branch
1992 – 1994 CAS Inc., Canadian IT producer, Sales Manager
1995 – 1999 Container Train Nederland, b.v., intermodal operator, Branch Manager
2000 – 2002 ČSKD Intrans, a.s., Prague, intermodal operator, Terminal Manager Prague
2003 – 2005 European Rail Shuttle, b.v., intermodal operator, Branch Manager terminal Melnik
2005 – 2007 Ceske dráhy, a.s. (Czech Railways), Deputy Director General for freight transport and operation, Member of the Board
since 2007 ČD Cargo, a.s., Commercial Director and Member of the Board

Jan Simco
Member of the Board of Directors and Director of Trade DivisionZSSK Cargo, Slovakia
Mr. SIMČO (34) started to work for railways in 1993 in a few positions of railway operation. In 2003 he was appointed a Strategy Director of ZSSK (passenger and freight operator). He was responsible for strategic and investment development of the company. In September 2006, he was appointed into position of Director of the Trade Division and a member of the ZSSK CARGO Board of Directors. He reached a university degree at the University of Transport in Žilina, Slovakia, Faculty of Operations and Economy of Railway Transport. Since 2002, he has been working on several international projects and taking part on several international activities in development of railways as a system. He is an active member of international and national transport and economic organisations.

Stasys Gudvalis
Deputy Director General – Director of Freight Transportation DirectorateLithuanian Railways, Lithuania
1985 – 1988 Road Repair Station (Šilėnai), road master.
1988 – 1999 Panevėžys road sector, Senior Road Master, Head of the bar.
1999 – 2002 The narrow gauge railway, Head.
2002 – 2006 Passenger Transportation Board, Head of Technical Department, Head of Technical Development Department.
April 2006 Railway Infrastructure Directorate, Deputy Director for Traffic Control.
April 2006 Freight Transportation Directorate, First Deputy Director.
January 2007 Deputy Director General – Director of Freight Transportation Directorate.

Miroslav Fukan
DirectorJERID, Czech Republic
Mr. Fukan (45) graduated at Computer University in Brno. He started working for Czechoslovak Railways in 1987 as programmer, later as the Software Development Director.
In 1993, he co-founded the JERID Company. Since 1994, he is Managing Director of JERID.

Boris Davydov
Senior LecturerFar Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk, Russia
Prof. Davydov had graduated from Politechnical Institute in Odessa, Ukraine in 1970. He was working at Physical and Radio Technical Institute, Khabarovsk, Russia since 1970 till 1978.
Since 1978 up to the present time prof. Davydov is the lecturer and the professor of the Far Eastern State Transport University. He had defended a PhD thesis on Special Measurement Methods in Electronics in 1981.
Prof. Davydov had devoted several years to research and developing in the field of Railway Information Systems. At present he is developing the fundamentals of the Optimal Technology of the Trains Traffic Management and Dispatching.

Alexandr Savinov
Senior LecturerFar Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk, Russia
Prof. Savinov graduated from Railway Transport Engineers Institute in Khabarovsk, Russia in 1977; specialization Operation of Railways. He received the PhD degree in 1985. The topic of his dissertation was about the Rail Transportation Intensive Technologies.
Till 1977 Prof. Savinov has been working in the Far Eastern Transport University, Khabarovsk. His position is a Teacher and a Head of the Chair. He was in a charge of Director General of the Shipment Company more than 3 years.
Prof. Savinov is responsible for the International Freight Rail Transportation research and development.

Michael Bartsch
Managing DirectorInterRail, Switzerland
1965 born in St. Gallen / Switzerland, but originally German citizen
1981-1984 Commercial Apprenticeship as International Forwarder by a small Forwarding agent called Schneider & Cie SA, located in St. Gallen
1984-1986 Employment as Operations Manager, Schneider & Cie SA, St. Gallen, specialised in truck shipments within Western Europe
1986-1990 Sales and Operations Manager for an IT-company in St. Gallen, responsible for German part of Switzerland
1990-1994 Together with 3 colleagues founder and owner of an IT-company in St. Gallen, mainly engaged in the field of electronic archived systems
1994-2000 back to the roots: Employment as Sales and Operations Manager, TransRail AG Switzerland; Member of Tariff Implementation Team of the TransRail Group who decide the rate structure worldwide, quoted to clients
2000-2004 appointed as General Manager, ppa, TransRail AG Switzerland
Since 2005 appointed as Managing Director, ppa, InterRail AG Switzerland

Ivan Liptuga
Vice PresidentPlaske, Ukraine
• Odessa State Economic University, Economics of travel and tourism industry (1996 – 2001)
• Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Law Faculty (2004 – 2008)
• FIATA Diploma Programm (AIFFU / PLASKE) (2000)
• IATA Instructors Skills Programm (2004)
• FIATA Train the Trainer Programme (2006)
• IATA Cargo English (2006)
• PLASKE JSC since February 2000.
Present position – Chairman of audit committee, Vice President
International Public Relations, Strategic planning, General audit.
• Board Chairman of European Business Association, Odessa Branch (since 2005) (850 members)
• Deputy Chairman of ABVT FIATA (since 2006)
• Member of WG Rail of MTI FIATA (since 2007)
• Member of AFI FIATA (since 2008)

Yeqing Dong
Editor-in-chiefWorld Railway Magazine China, China
Ms. Dong Yeqing, graduated from China Southwest Jiaotong University, majored in Electric Locomotive in 1982. She graduated from Hong Kong University and Qinghua University, majored in Integrated Marketing IMC in 2005. She was appointed to the Editor-in-chief of the China Railway Magazine, the Deputy Editor of the Railway Transport and Economy Magazine, and the Deputy Editor of the Railway Freight Magazine. Now, she has been appointed to the Editor-in-chief of World Railway Magazine. For many years, she has been engaged in the information research, media editing and publishing, information exchange in railway industry. She chaired many major international railway forums including planning, organization and information exchange, and participated in the advisory work of world railway industry, organized the Chinese delegation to foreigh countries for the study tour. World Railway Magazine has become an important exchange platform for Chinese and foreign information in China railway industry.

Jaroslav Novak
Department of Railway and Combined TransportCzech Ministry of Transport, Czech Republic
Graduation on the Technical University in Zilina (Slovakia) – section Operation and Economy of Railway Transport.
Expert of combined transport and logistics – 30 years career in various positions including also pedagogical and publication activities.

Hartmut Albers
DirectorTrans Eurasia Logistics, Germany
* A-level exams (Abitur) in Hamburg
* University of Hamburg, degree of economics
* Managing Director of a Tour Operator for Language Travel
* Head of customer management at Bertelsmann loyalty programs
* Head of marketing and sales at Hannover Public Transport
* Head of Regional External Relations for Deutsche Bahn, DB Netz AG
* Managing Director of Trans Eurasia Logistics GmbH
* 7-year-stay in Mexico during school time
* 10-year-stay in the United Kingdom

Werner Bach
Referent for International Affairs and OrganizationsRailion Deutschland, Germany
Started working for Deutsche Bundesbahn in 1971.
Working in the productionbranch of Deutsche Bundesbahn
1990 Graduation as Diplom-Verwaltungsbetriebswirt
1990 - 1993 Salesmanager for passenger traffic
1993 - 1995 Salesmanager for freight traffic
Since 1995 working in different Branches of international affaires at DB Cargo and Railion Deutschland AG
President of the Managing Committee of DIUM/NHM of UIC

Jaroslav Tyle
Operation ManagerERS Railways, Czech Republic
1988-1992 Education: Transport University in Zilina, specialization Operation and Economics of Railway Transport
1993-2003: Bohemiakombi (Kombiverkehr CS), since 1996 as Department Manager Sales and Operation
2003-2008: European Rail Shuttle Melnik / ERS Railways Melnik, as Operation Manager

Thomas Kargl
General ManagerFar East Land Bridge, Austria
2001-2002: RCA Rail Cargo Austria, Wien: Regional manager and tariff specialist for Eastern and South-Eastern Europe
2002-2004: Rail Cargo Service s.r.l. Arad, Romania: Commercial Director
2004-2006: Schenker-Railog GmbH, Wien: Product Key Account Manager and Director of Department for transport to/from Commonwealth of Independent States territory
2006-2007: RCS Rail Cargo Spedition GmbH, Wien: Senior Key Account Manager Marketing & Sales
From August 2007: Far East Land Bridge LTD, Wien: General Director

Bogdan Ciobanu
Operations DirectorUNICOM TRANZIT S.A., Romania
2006-present: Unicom Tranzit SA, Bucharest
Operations Director - Responsibilities / experience:
• Managing the contract for transport logistics coordination of oil products for LUKOIL, the most important client of Unicom Group with a yearly turnover of 24 million euro, and 1,5 million tones of oil products transported
• Logistics with private railways operators and with State owned Railways Company, shunting activity
• Preparation and fulfillment of the various projects P&L’s in line with the yearly budgets
• Foreign relations of the company: coordinating the participations at international fairs and conferences
• Road and sea transports; port operations
2004-2006: Unicom Tranzit SA - Commercial Director
1996-2004: Unicom Tranzit SA - Counselor

Viktor Bystrian
Key Account DirectorOKD Doprava, Czech Republic
2002-2005 – A.P. Moller /Maersk - Maersk Intermodal Europe - position in truck and railway operations
2006-2008 –A.P. Moller /Maersk - Maersk Czech Republic – Operations Manager
Since October 2008 working in OKD, Doprava as Key Account Director

Ognan Andreev
General DirectorCTM, Russia
Mr. Andreev graduated from LITMO in 1986. He defended his thesis (Ph.D.) in technical science in Leningrad in 1993. Since 1997, he is General Director of CTM Company. «CTM» is one of official software developers for Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation and JSC “Russian Railways”. «СТМ» developed technologies of preliminary informing and information interaction which increase the throughput of check points.

Oleg Soltysyuk
General DirectorTMSoft, Ukraine
Mr. Soltysyuk has fifteen years experience from the area of development and implementation of automative systems on railways. Research-implementary company TMSoft, which was found by him, is the one which officially solves development of national Automative system of the freight transport operating in Ukraine. Current activities of Mr. Soltysyuk are focused on innovation of data exchange process among railway systems and clients because of setting up the electronic signature and non-paper work.

Walter Schulze-Freyberg
Mr. Walter Schulze-Freyberg has more than 25 years professional experience in the transport sector, during which he acquired detailed knowhow of the market for intermodal transportation, both as customers as well as operator of intermodal services. After being educated as master mariner (AG) and several years at sea, he started his career on land in 1981 with Deutsche Babcock as logistics expert for the set-up of plants world-wide, before he joined HPC Hamburg Port Consulting, for which he worked as Senior Transport Expert and Team Leader in international transport projects.
One of these projects concerned in 1991 the elaboration of a feasibility study and business plan for a container block train from Hamburg Port to Poland. Walter was assigned to implement this project and became Managing Director of the newly founded Polzug Poland-Hamburg Transport GmbH (today POLZUG Intermodal GmbH). In 15 years he developed the company from a small rail operator with one weekly train pair between Hamburg and Poland to a medium-sized transport operator with 25 weekly train pairs connecting Hamburg, Bremerhaven and Rotterdam to the markets in Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Caucasus and Central Asia.

Helene Köpf
Railway Systems - Technical Affairs ManagerAssociation of the European Rail Industry (UNIFE), Belgium
Ms Köpf graduated in 2005 as economic geographer (specification in transport planning and transport technologies) at the Munich School of Management and Technical University of Munich. After gaining 2 years experience in the coordination of projects in the renewable energy sector by planning and fincancing renewable energy power plants in Germany and Eastern Europe she joined UNIFE in 2007. Since then she is responsible for the coordination of EU research projects related to rail systems, information technologies and rail freight. In addition she is coordinating some of the UNIFE internal working groups in the context of European standardisation and technical railway legislation and regulation, i.e. link the UNIFE work to relevant external bodies as the European standardisation bodies and the European Railway Agency.

Libor Belfín
Sales DirectorJERID, Czech Republic
Mr. Belfin (42) graduated from Czech Technical University in Prague in 1990. In 1993, he co-founded the JERID Company. He went through various positions within that company: consultant of IT systems, marketing manager, account manager and area sales manager. Mr. Belfin has been significantly contributing to establishing international portfolio of company customers since 2003. Currently he is in charge of JERID's sales team.

Łukasz Malinowski
ExpertZDG TOR, Poland
Analyst in Transport Consultants Group TOR. Graduated from the Warsaw University with a degree in International Relations. He also holds a degree in Spatial Economy from the Centre for European Regional and Local Studies. Editor-in-chief of polish „Railway Transport – Statistics and Analysis” quarterly. He specializes in the analysis of polish rail freight and passenger transport markets.

David Krasensky
Business ConsultantOltis Group, Czech Republic
For David, railways are both the profession and the lifelong love. He earned his master degrees at Masaryk University Brno (Computer Science) and at Transport Faculty of University Pardubice (Railway Transport Technology); his experience includes designing the interlocking systems, and above all analysis, designing, and system architecture of information systems for the railway industry. Now he is a strategy consultant at OLTIS Group, and he also publishes articles in technical magazines and regularly speaks at international conferences and industrial events.

Boris Klement
CEO & PartnerIKP Consulting Engineers, Czech Republic
Born in 1950, he has more than 35 years working experience, 18 years within the firm IKP as CEO.
The Czech Technical University (ČVUT), Prague, Czech Republic, 1968-1974, graduated in 1974 as Ing. (M.Sc.) in Civil Engineering.
Postgraduate study in rock blasting, 1976-1977, state exam in 1977 at the University of Chemical Technology, Pardubice, CR.
Postgraduate study of management and system analysis in 1977-1978 at ČVUT, Prague, CR.
Key qualification in the fields:
Tunnel Design and Supervision, Structural Design and Supervision, Project Management.

Yujian Zhang
EditorWorld Railway Magazine China, China
March 2,1983 : borned at Guanzhang town, Henan province, China
September, 2001 — July, 2005 : Study in China Agricultural University, Major on Development Management
June, 2006 till Now : Work at Beijing Ally Information CO, Ltd. as Editor on Railway Industry