- Conference Overview
- Conference Background
- Registration
- Venue and Location
- Session Topics
- Call for Papers
- Program
- Speakers
- Exhibition
- Sponsorship
- Why to Attend?
- Special Events
- Accommodation
- Visa
- Download
- Contact
- Photo Gallery
Registration is possible at the conference web page (www.irfc.eu) or by filling the registration form (in the section Download) and sending by fax or mail. Participants must register before Friday, 20 February 2009. The number of participants is limited.
Conference fee:
€ 690 standard delegate
€ 590 for delegates of UIC, OSJD or IBS members (registration must be done by 15-Jan-2009)
- € 150 accompanying persons (includes: Gala-dinner, Czech dinner with sightseeing and Logistic excursion)
- € 20 fulfilment and sending the Letter of Invitation (for visa)
- Special conference fee for delegates of OSJD members from C.I.S. and Asian countries
- Special fee for sponsors and exhibitors
The fee includes:
- Entry to the conference and exhibition
- Conference proceedings
- Refreshments and lunch during breaks
- Gala-dinner (day 1)
- Czech dinner in a brewery restaurant with transport by bus and Prague sightseeing (day 2)
- Logistic excursion to ŠKODA AUTO production and Museum (day 3)
Where cancellations are submitted after 5 February 2009, a cancellation charge of € 200 + VAT will be incurred. The full fee will be charged for cancellations received after 20 February 2009. If a participant is unable to attend, a substitute may take part instead.